Austin Air Purifiers used in another clinical trial
We’re excited to announce the results of our most recent clinical trial. This particular trial was conducted by a team from the University of Washington.
Farming has major impact on pollution levels
This latest trial took place in the homes of children with asthma, living in the Yakima Valley, Washington State.
Yakima Valley is known for its intensive crop farming and dairy based agricultural production. These activities have a major impact on pollution levels. Many of these outdoor pollutants find their way into homes. In fact, another study carried out in the same area concluded that dairy operations increase community exposures to agents with known human health effects.
Study details
The study took place between 2015 and 2017. It involved 71 families, living close to agricultural operations. All families had asthmatic children between the ages of 6 and 12.
For the purposes of the study, the families were split into 2 groups. Both groups received an ‘asthma education program’. The elements included an allergy proof mattress, pillow protectors, a green cleaning kit and instructions on how to minimize pollutants in the home. Strategies such as regular cleaning with nontoxic products, frequent vacuuming, keeping pets out of the bedrooms and the use of adequate ventilation were part of the program.
One of the groups was also issued two Austin Air Purifiers, one to be placed in the child’s bedroom and one for the living area. Families were instructed to run the units 24/7 on the setting they felt most comfortable with, for the duration of the study.
Impressive results for Austin Air
Results for both groups were encouraging. The first group, following the asthma education program, saw a 15% decrease in PM2.5 pollutants in the children’s bedrooms and a 17% decrease in the living areas. However, it was the second group, who followed the asthma education program and ran Austin Air Purifiers, that saw the real change. They had a 65% reduction in PM2.5 pollutants in the children’s bedrooms and a 48% reduction in the living areas.
Clean air saves lives
The results of this trial support a number of other clinical trials we have been involved in. Removing pollutants from the home helps to improve children’s asthma symptoms, therefore reducing the number of asthma attacks and visits to the emergency room.
Asthma affects around 9 million children in the US today. Preventative measures such as HEPA filtration, enhanced cleaning and allergy proof bedding are all changes we can make that will help to save lives.
If you’d like to learn more about Austin Air Purifiers, like those used in the Washington University trial, follow this link.
And if you’d like to read about our involvement in other clinical trials, you can find full info here.
Air Purifier Australia, air purifiers, Asthma, asthma australia, clinical trial, farmer, pollution